is recognized in the community as a leader in high-quality preschool education and child care. We offer comprehensive services to children birth to five including: Early Childhood Education in Chesapeake, Dawson-Bryant, Ironton, South Point,
and Symmes Valley School Districts (for ages 3-5 years) Head Start (for ages 3-5 years) Early
Head Start (prenatal-3 years) Home-Based Home
Visiting Services (0-5 years) Family Child Care
(0-3 years) Center-Based Child Care (6 weeks-5
years) Kindergarten Readiness
We Provide: Family-centered services that focus on family partnerships Nutritious meals A
professionally trained and certified, nurturing staff A
research-based curriculum approved by the Ohio Department of Children and Youth Health and Developmental Screenings Services to children with disabilities in a least-restrictive environment
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