The goals of the program are to promote: 1)
Healthy prenatal outcomes for pregnant women; 2)
Physical, cognitive, language, and social and emotional development of the infants and toddlers served; 3) Healthy family relationships; 4)
Highly qualified and nurturing staff; 5) A seamless
delivery system of community collaboration.
Head Start staff serves as advocates and liaisons between pregnant women and service providers. Home visits with prenatal
moms focus on their pregnancy.

Head Start provides comprehensive services to pregnant women, infants, toddlers (birth to three yrs.) and their families.
Families can choose home based or center collaboration services, whichever best meets their needs. Families can transition
from one option to another as needed, provided there is an opening.
Center Child Care collaboration provides Early Head Start services to families
in need of childcare, while enhancing the child care environment. Ongoing training and mentoring is provided to childcare
center staff through hands-on activities. Families receive two home visits* per year to update the progress of their child.